Taking it easy

I’m not good at taking it easy. I like to be physically active… a lot, which is one of the main reasons I cycle to work and back everyday. I’m also stubborn. I get it from my dad; just ask my mom.

So when the people I see on a regular basis – who hear about (or treat) my current hip flexor issues on a fairly regular basis – tell me I need to slow down a little and let things heal, my immediate response is “I can’t!”

The reasons are many:

  • My bikes aren’t going to ride themselves!
  • I can’t drive to work and sit in commuter traffic. It’s a waste of time!
  • Moms don’t have the luxury of slowing down!
  • I NEED to train!
  • I have to exercise to keep up with my eating habits!
  • I’ll lose my status as a hard core cyclist!

The justifications just keep going on…

But, last week, feeling a bit stressed over my busy work schedule and everything else that’s been going on in my life, I welcomed a pre-planned trip to Vancouver Island’s mecca of relaxation: Tofino. I nearly took my road bike thinking I could fit in a training ride, but at the last minute, I convinced myself I wouldn’t have time, which I didn’t.

Having booked Friday off work, I enjoyed an easy morning, walking my son to daycare as he rode his run bike before packing more stuff than I really needed into my car and sauntering up the Island Highway.

cyclist riding on the beach at sunset

My boyfriend, Scott, humoring my inner shutterbug by riding back and forth along the waterline so I could get this photo.

Once settled in paradise, I leisurely pedaled my mountain bike in the sunshine on Chesterman beach with my boyfriend, who brought his fancy new fat bike, a Rocky Mountain Blizzard. I took lots of photos and ate a LOT of food. In the evenings, my liberal-in-every-sense-of-the-word friends made me laugh harder and relax more than I’ve done in months. It was truly rejuvenating.

So it’s clear that giving my mind and body a break now and then isn’t so bad. I came back home feeling less concerned about pretty much everything. My body didn’t heal over the weekend, but it felt less run down.

Letting my stubborn side wane a bit, I admit that less is more for me right now – less activity and more rest, to be precise. My mom arrives today for a one week visit, and is guaranteed to lay down the law with sleeping early, resting more and generally being kinder to physical myself. I have promised her that I will take five days off of cycling.

The focus will be yoga, lots of sleep and plenty of crockpot cooking resulting in some emergency freezer meals.

Even though it’s just for five days, I will miss my daily bike ride. It’s become such a staple in my life – now that I’ve been doing it for about 15 years – that my day doesn’t feel quite right without it. But I’m sure I will survive, and hopefully my muscles will appreciate the break.

One awesome side effect of this is that the world won’t have to wait a week for my next post! Watch for Tips from Chris #2 in the next couple days, in which I’ll address race nutrition. I’ll also have a post about my treatment progress – yes, there has been progress – which involves a small muscle called the pectineus.

Until then, keep the rubber side down.


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2 Responses to Taking it easy

  1. Gord says:

    I took my CX bike up there last time, but the path to town is to short to be worth it, and the highway itself too narrow to feel comfortable on…

    Good to hear there’s some progress on the muscle issue.


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